Reguli generale

- membrii factiunii trebuie sa respecte regulamentul general al serverului. incalcarea unei reguli din regulamentul serverului poate fi sanctionata cu FW/uninvite, pe langa sanctiunile prevazute de regulamentul serverului.

- limbajul vulgar / insultele se sanctioneaza cu avertisment verbal (AV), faction warn (FW), sau uninvite, in functie de situatie.

- pentru limbaj vulgar / insulte la adresa altor jucatori, membrii risca FW sau uninvite.
- pentru comportament agresiv, cum ar fi "mars ma", membrii risca avertisment verbal / FW, in functie de gravitate.
- injuriile si jignirile grave se sanctioneaza cu FW. Injuriile grave repetate sunt sanctionate direct cu uninvite.
- jignirile usoare ('n00bul draq', 'mars', 'esti prost/destept/fraier') se vor sanctiona cu AV sau FW, in functie de gravitate.
- limbajul vulgar asupra liderului si a membrilor se sanctioneaza aspru, in functie de decizia luata de lider.

- spam-ul pe chatul /f este sanctionat in functie de gravitate, cu amenda, AV, FW sau uninvite.
- trebuie sa respectati liderul & subliderul, si sa faceti ce vi se spune, in caz contrar riscati sanctiuni.
- deathmatch-ul (DM) aiurea este sanctionat cu FW sau uninvite, in functie de gravitate si de abateri.
- comanda /tie se foloseste doar pe cei care se afla pe Blacklist, niciodata in gluma sau pentru alte scopuri.

- cei care ataca alti jucatori fara motiv sunt sanctionati cu FW / uninvite.
- cei care ataca alti mafioti in timpul unui WAR in afara zonei de WAR sunt sanctionati cu FW.

Liderul trebuie sa ia decizia cea mai corecta in functie de situatie.

Reguli activitate

- nepostarea raportului de activitate se sancționează cu uninvite indiferent de rank-ul pe care il detineti.
- playerii ce lipsesc la war si nu sunt invoiti de catre lider sunt sanctionati cu FW
- neprezentarea la o sedinta sau antrenament fara a posta o cerere de invoire este sanctionata cu FW. tot cu FW pot fi sanctionati si playerii ce sunt AFK in timpul unei sedinte/antrenament.
- se poate acorda un singur FW pentru neparticipare la activitatile factiunii intr-o zi (ex: daca un player lipseste la toate war-urile dintr-o zi si la sedinta care e in aceasi zi, acesta va primi un singur FW)
- playerii ce nu detin job-ul stabilit de conducerea factiunii pot fi sanctionati cu FW

- membrii factiunii se pot folosi de materialele (/order) si drogurile factiunii, in afara war-urilor, doar cu acordul liderului/subliderului. membrii ce se folosesc de materialele/drogurile factiunii fara acordul liderului/subliderului in repetate randuri vor fi sanctionati cu FW sau uninvite, in cazuri grave.
- abuzul de /order pentru consumarea materialelor factiunii va fi sanctionat cu uninvite cu 100FP

Regulament war

- este interzis sa mergeti pe cladiri inaccesibile inainte de inceperea war-ului. se sanctioneaza cu warn si FW.
Este interzis sa urcati pe cladiri pe care nu puteti ajunge fara ajutorul cuiva / fara ajutorul la ceva (vehicule, etc.).
Este permis sa urcati doar pe cladiri pe care puteti ajunge de jos (fara 'push', slap de la masina etc.).
- spamul pe chatul factiunii in timpul war-ului este interzis
- jignirile adresate colegilor pe /f in timpul war-ului nu sunt tolerate
- in timpul war-ului trebuie sa ascultati ordinele playerilor cu rank mai mare
- acuzele de cheat-uri la adresa altor playeri sunt sanctionate cu AV sau FW (ex: aimerule, ai aim, ai wall). se poate folosi /report pentru a raporta un player suspectat de cheat-uri. la fel este sanctionata si folosirea animatiilor cum ar fi /pee dupa omorarea unui adversar si mesajele de genul 'ahahahha', 'slabule', 'mz'. respectati-va adversarii la war.
- playerii ce se deconecteaza fara a anunta pe /f inainte sau primesc kick pentru AFK in timpul unui war pot fi sanctionati cu FW
- playerii ce ataca mafiotii adversi in afara turfului in repetate randuri pot fi sanctionati de lider cu FW. e decizia liderului daca sanctioneaza membrul sau nu. nu sunt sanctionati playerii la limita turfului. liderii trebuie sa sanctioneze toti membrii in acelasi mod. liderii pot respinge orice reclamatie facuta pentru atacarea unui adversar in afara turfului daca distanta fata de turf este mica.


- membrii factiunii sunt obligati sa poarte skin-urile specificate in topicul cu 'skin-uri' din forumul factiunii. daca un player e atentionat ca are un skin gresit si nu doreste sa schimbe skin-ul, acesta poate fi sanctionat cu FW.
- doar fetele pot folosi skin-ul de fata al factiunii.

Reclamatii factiuni

- liderul poate respinge reclamatiile care nu respecta modelul sau contin jigniri, dar playerul care a facut reclamatia are dreptul sa refaca reclamatia. reclamatiile ce contin jigniri vor fi sanctionate cu suspend 1-7 zile pe panel de catre admini.
- subliderul unei factiuni are dreptul de a raspunde la reclamatii, cu acordul liderul, dar in cazul unor greseli in reclamatii, liderul va fi sanctionat, nu subliderul.


Nu aveti voie sa folositi moduri ASI/CLEO, mod-uri ce-s injectate in joc (.dll, .exe etc), aici sunt incluse si modurile care credeti ca sunt permise (spre ex.: mousefix), moduri ce modifica animatiile (ped.ipf, python). Folosirea de moduri interzise este sanctionata cu ban 7 zile.
Folosirea recenta a programelor ce au scopul de a ajuta la modificarea jocului (cheat engine, game editor etc) sau stergerea urmelor programelor executate recent (spre ex.: LastActivityView, UsserAssitView) va fi considerata incercare de a ascunde moduri/cheat-uri si sanctionata cu ban 7 zile.
Modificarea fisierului samp.dll se sanctioneaza tot cu 7 zile.

English Version :
General Rules

- Faction members have to respect the general rules of the server. Disrespecting the server rules can lead to Faction Warn / Uninvite, besides the punishments provided by the server rules

- Offensive language / insults are punished with verbal warning, faction warn or uninvite, depending on situationl

- for offensive language / cursing against other player, the members risk Faction Warn or uninvite
- for aggressive behaviour like 'get the fuck out here', the members risk verbal warning / faction warn, depending on the severity
- Strong language and serious offenses are punished with Faction Warn. Repeated serious insults are punished directly with uninvite
- light insults like ('n00b', 'gtfo', 'you're idiot') will be punished with AV or FW, depends on the severity
- Bad language againts the leader or the faction members will be rough punished, depending on the decision made by the leader

- spam on /f is punished depending by the severity, with AV, FW or uninvite
- you have to respect the leader & co-leader and to do what they're saying. Otherwise, you risk to get punished
- deathmatch(DM) is punished with FW or uninvite, depending on the severity and previous violations of this rule
- the /tie command can be used only on players from the blacklist, never use it as a joke or for other purposes

- those who attack another players without reason are punished with FW / uninvite
- those who attack another mobs during a war outside the WAR zone are punished with FW

The leader has to take the most correct decision depending on the situation.

Activity rules

- the members who won't log-in on the server for 3 days and don't have an inactivity request will get uninvite
- those who don't have minimum 7 days in faction can't make an inactivity request
- not posting the activity reports will be punished with Uninvite
- the players who are missing from the war and doesn't have and doesn't have the permission to leave from leader are punished with FW
- not showing up at a meeting or training without posting a request is punished with FW. With FW is also punished the players who are AFK during the meeting / training
- it can be given only one FW for not showing up at faction activities in one day (eg: if a player is missing from all the wars and the meeting that are in the same day, he'll get only one FW)
- players who doesn't have the established job by the faction leadership can be punished with FW
- faction members can use materials (/order) and faction drugs only with the permission of leader/co-leader. The members who use the faction's materials/drugs without the leader's/co-leader's permission repeteadly are punished with FW or uninvite, in worst case.
- abusing of /order command to consume the faction materials will be punished with 100 FP uninvite

War rules

- it's forbidden to go on inaccesible buildings before the star of a war, it will be punished with warn and FW
- spam on faction's chat during the war is forbidden
- insulting the colleagues on /f during the war are not tolerated
- during the war you need to listen the orders of bigger ranks players
- accusing other players of cheating are punished with AV or FW (eg: aimer, you have aim, wall). /report can be used to report a suspected player. Is also punished using the animations like /pee after killing one enemy and typing messages like "ahahaha", "you unskilled", "thx" ,"kbye" respect your war enemies.
- players who disconnect without announcing on /f before or are receiving kick for AFK during a war can be punished with FW
- players who attacks opposing mobs outside the war repeatedly can be punished by leader with FW. It's the leader's decision if he punish the members or no. Players who are at turf limit won't be punished. The leader has to punish all the players in the same mode. The leaders can reject any complaint made for attacking of an enemy outside the turf if the distance to the turf is small


- faction members has to wear the skins specified in the 'skins' topic from the faction forum. if a player is warned that he has a wrong skin and doesn't want to change his skin, he can be punished with FW.
- only girls can wear the girls skin

Faction Complaints

- the leader can reject the complaints who disrespect the model or contain insults, but the player who made the complaint has the right to remake the complaint. the complaints who contain insults will be punished with suspend on panel
- the coleader has the right to answer the complaints, with the leader's agreement, but if he makes a mistake, the leader will be punished, not the coleader


You can't use ASI/CLEO mods, mods who are injected in game (.dll, .exe etc), mods who modify the animations (ped.ipf, python). Mods using are forbidden and is punished with 7 days ban.
Recent using of programs who have the purpose of helping to modify the game (cheat engine, game editor) or deleting the traces of recent executed programs will be considered as a trying to hide mods/cheats and will be punished with 7 days ban.
Modifying the samp.dll file will be punished with 7 days ban.