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You are here » GoldZone Romania » Federal Bureau of Investigations » Reclamatie Tibi[V]

Reclamatie Tibi[V]

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Nickname: Susanu
Acuzat : Tibi[V]
Motiv : din cate stiam trebuie 2 sau 3 somatii , ca daca ai lag totusi sa le vezi, ee nu el s a hotarat sa imi dea wanted 3 dupa 2 sec cand am sarit
Screenshot :

Last edited by RomanulDj (2017-02-06 00:05:58)



RomanulDj wrote:

Nickname: Susanu
Acuzat : Tibi[V]
Motiv : din cate stiam trebuie 2 sau 3 somatii , ca daca ai lag totusi sa le vezi, ee nu el s a hotarat sa imi dea wanted 3 dupa 2 sec cand am sarit
Screenshot :

Last edited by RomanulDj (Yesterday 23:05:58)

Tibi[V] Nu este in Factiunea F.B.I . (reclamatie incheiata)


You are here » GoldZone Romania » Federal Bureau of Investigations » Reclamatie Tibi[V]